

On occasion, I perform as a speaker and talk about Accessibility, User Experience Design, the small web and in general topics that I concern myself with on my blog.

Niq wearing a green woolen sweater next to an indoor plant. He's on stage in front of a crowd gesturing next to the projector screen

Credit: Liechtenecker GmbH

Selection of talks

I usually turn my blog posts into talks. Find here a selection of the talks that I currently give to audiences.

Name of talk
Labelling the Web
Name of talk
Notifications Off (coming soon)
Name of talk
Origins (coming soon)
Name of talk
Simple (coming soon)

Previous events

· Vienna, Austria
Labelling The Web @ UX Vienna, Moonshiner
· Vienna, Austria
Labelling The Web @ UX Snacks, Liechtenecker UX Design Studio

Need a speaker at your next event?

I'm in 🇦🇹 Austria (Home) right now and I might be available to speak at local events.

Reach out