

How I use Artificial Intelligence (AI) on this website. This an /ai page

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I never use AI for writing

I consider writing to be a noble art and believe that all writing should be done by humans. This is especially true for personal blogs. If you let AI write personal blog posts for you, they wouldn't be personal blog posts, would they?

In the infancy of my blog, however, when AI was right off the boat, I wasn't aware of this fact and also new to writing so I used AI to improve some of my sentences.

However, never in the sense of this:

Hey, ChatGPT, please write a blog post about "web forms".

No. Rather along the lines of this:

Hey ChatGPT, could you rephrase this sentence so I can get its meaning across?

But I soon realized that this does not support my development as a writer. Only for the first posts of this blog I did use AI, and marked them accordingly:

Afterwards, I never used AI for writing ever again, and I haven't looked back.

I use AI for better understanding

When I deal with certain topics that I blog about, where I don't have the full picture, I ask ChatGPT to explain these topics to me.

I use AI for software development

Pair programming with someone as smart as CoPilot is quite convenient. Especially if you don't consider yourself a developer.

I regularly use CoPilot when I fix bugs on my website or when I introduce new features. Usually, when the problem isn't overly complex, I try to fix it myself, as I love building on the web.

However, if I don't have the time or the problem is too complex, I rely on CoPilot to assist me.